SOS for Freedom, VOTE!



Janelle Meraz Hooper

I have so many global subscribers who could be confused by this plea. But then, maybe not. No matter where you are, surely you’ve heard of our wacko president with hate spewing out of his orange head?

Here’s the deal: In the United States, we have a primary vote coming up on November 6th.  We have a lot at stake and the greedy, immoral Republican party is pulling out all the stops to stifle the votes of the Democrats. 

I am not an expert in politics. I am a novelist! But it doesn’t take an expert to identify Hate. Greed. And liars…leading thousands of gullible voters who don’t understand what Trump’s rhetoric really means. They believe the lie: That their wages will increase. That steel and coal will return to their glory days. That farmers will benefit from the tariffs. That giving all of the money we make to the rich will somehow make our lives better. That they can take away our health care but, somehow, they will not lose theirs. That a clean environment isn’t critical to the people of our nation. That we will build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. That Make America Great Again is only for the whites. That things will go back to the way they used to be.

Perhaps worse, they believe that the man in the White House will “Jerk a knot in the tail” of other world leaders and they’ll all bow down to us. That we are smarter than the rest of the world. Stronger. Entitled by the white of our skin and the heel of our boot.

The whole world will feel the pinch of this immoral president and the Republican party if we do not vote all of them out this November 6th. Please, if you have any influence with voting Americans where you are, explain this to them. God Bless America, the land of the free.

Graphic courtesy of Pinterest.

Vote, women! VOTE!



EVERYONE is talking about our presidential election in 2020. But if we don’t all turn out and vote THIS NOVEMBER, we will have lost the battle. The Republican party is sharpening its knives to cut our medical, social security, and more. THEN they’ll give the money to the rich in tax cuts and other benefits.

MEANWHILE, the poor get poorer.

Are you in agriculture? Think that big tax cut for farmers is going to help you? Think again. That money will go to the big corporations who are growing food. Not the small farmer. 

The same goes for other independent  businesses. The rich will get the tax breaks. Our taxes will go up. Even now, when everyone is rejoicing over the increase in pay, inflation is eating up that extra money. Most of you will never see that money in your pocket.

Sure, DUMP TRUMP! But first, get rid of the greedy Republicans who are enabling him. Aren’t you tired of working so hard for so little?


P.S. During the Vietnam War,  Nixon gave a speech that said, “…the Silent Majority” was with him. I wrote the White House and commented, “The Silent majority isn’t silent because we agree with you. We’re silent because we’re busy praying.”

My husband, who was in Vietnam at the time, was worried. “You didn’t sign it, did you?” he asked. “Of course, I did,” I replied. “This is still a free country, isn’t it?”

So please, forgive me for injecting politics into a literary blog, but free speech is important to a writer. It’s more important to a democracy. Think of it as my test to see if we still have a democracy: THIS IS STILL A FREE COUNTRY, ISN’T IT? 

Don’t forget that thing I wrote about voting…don’t wait until 2020. Vote this November. It’s important, or I wouldn’t ask you….(; God bless America.

Janelle (Please share this post!)