Where are your stories?


“¿Dònde Estàn Tus Cuentos?”
(Where Are Your Stories?)
by Janelle Meraz Hooper

I heard stories on my grandmother’s knee
Stories of coming to a new country,
Stories of courage, living, and strife.
I listened to stories at my mother’s feet
Stories of leaving home
Stories of lust and men and being a wife.
I listened to stories by my father’s bed
Stories of growing up in Texas
Stories of homesteads, ranches, and war.
I listened to stories in my neighbor’s swing
Stories of childhood and getting by
Stories of success and failure, and more.
I listened to stories from an old man
Stories of the West, and Indians
Stories of cowboys, and skies of blue.
I listened to them all and remember all
Stories that fill my head and
Now I share them with you.
“Dònde estàn tus cuentos?”
Share them with me and I will listen
Until the stars come out—

From my short story book
Free Pecan Pie and Other Chick Stories
Suitable for all
Buy now on Amazon

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© 2018 photo by Hooper

A Three-Turtle Summer, #1 in my Turtle Trilogy


#1 in my Turtle Trilogy
suitable for most NA and adults
Amazon and others, PB & Kindle.
Published by iUniverse.

See this book on Amazon

See all of my books and stories: Janelle Meraz Hooper

Read the book- Amazon and other Internet bookstores. Published by iUniverse. 

Janelle Meraz Hooper gives us more than a story. She gives us a cast of hilarious and memorable characters in a vividly drawn scene. Libroseninguana.com

 Light-hearted writing, deep and disturbing content, October 31, 2013 by James R. Muri
This review is from: A Three-Turtle Summer (Paperback) 4 stars
Janelle – our author – has written a novel that disguises years of horror and despair behind cozy country anecdotes, dialogue, and situations. To me, this reads like a psychological thriller / chiller, made all the more so by the calm and carefree rhetorical style used throughout.

To some this would be disconcerting; to me, Janelle has produced a piece of genuine art. If you’re looking for warm fuzzies in a story, the only warm fuzzy you’ll find in this one is basic survival and triumph. I found it impossible to put down. I was struck – to keep hammering on this – by how deeply contrasted the prose and peril were. Excellent read, excellent work, Janelle.

By Marmalade on May 3, 2014 5 stars
This is a gripping story of domestic abuse fueled by the high level of racism existing in Oklahoma in the late forties. It documents the cruelties suffered by the Hispanic, Japanese and African American of that era.

Grace, the youngest daughter of a close-knit Hispanic family, lives in constant terror of being assaulted by her bigoted, mean-spirited husband, Dwayne. She suffers her beatings in silence fearing he will take her daughter, Glory, away from her. Grace is a talented seamstress and with the help of her family devises a plan to be free of her abuser while he is away on military leave.

The characters are fleshed out and the action is fast paced and full of suspense. This is a terrific read that offers hope to the victims of abuse and racism. Well done.

2002 Bold Media 1st place fiction award

Next: As Brown AS I Want: The Indianhead Diaries

Custer & His Naked Ladies

(All books stand alone)

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