Donuts by Drone

New business idea! Donuts by Drone
(blog only)

Janelle Meraz Hooper

See my books and short stories

I have a new business idea. My first idea was to sell chocolate Easter bunnies with extra ears. That would have worked but it was too seasonal. I totally underestimated how early I needed to start to get all those ears cut off and packaged. Then, I was going to make sweatshirts for writers that were already messed up with ink marks. It turned out that all writers already have a stack of them that they made on their own. My new idea is drones that will deliver doughnuts early in the morning. Don’t tell anyone. I’m afraid will steal my idea…and they already have the drones. All I have so far is one of those balsa planes that has a wind-up rubber band to make the propeller work. I’m trying to figure out a way to make the rubber band also work to carry the doughnut sack. So far, it’s a work in progress. Sign up for delivery now!


I write some serious stuff too: Books, short stories, plays.
Check them out!

A little Geronimo history

When I wrote Geronimo, Life on the Reservation, a one-man show for Rudy Ramos, not all of my research made it into the show. There just wasn’t space! This is one of the stories I had to leave out…

This photo was taken at a photo-op at the 101 Ranch in Oklahoma in 1905 (Geronimo died in 1909) while Geronimo was a POW at the reservation in Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Geronimo is wearing the top hat. The man next to Geronimo is Edward Le Clair, who was a Ponca. At the end of the day he gave his ornately beaded vest to Geronimo because the old warrior had admired it so much.  The same day he drove the car (a 1904 Model C Locomobile), photographers also wanted Geronimo to show them how he killed buffalo. He admitted that he’d never killed a buffalo. Someone finally killed the bison and Geronimo posed next to it to have his picture taken. It was a win-win. The photographers got their photo and Geronimo got his picture taken, which he loved. Note: When Geronimo died, he was buried in the vest. 

Geronimo, Life on the Reservation

I write in several genres. check out my books and stories!

My newest novel
“Trust your instincts. Then follow them.”
Amazon Kindle. SuspenseRomance




“What tribe are you?” A humorous commentary

Tim Tingle  and I at the 2004 Oklahoma Book Awards. The title of my book was As Brown As I Want: The Indianhead Diaries. Tim’s book was Walking the Choctaw Road.

“What tribe are you?”
Janelle Meraz Hooper

Janelle Meraz Hooper

Mother’s Day is coming up. I’ve been thinking about my mom…we were very close. The kind of close that develops between two people who have survived living with a man who was meaner than a rattlesnake and dumber than adobe (from A Three-Turtle Summer). Living in Oklahoma, my mother and I had a lot of Native American friends who invited us to their powwows. All the time, kids would ask me, “What tribe are you from?” I didn’t know what to say. We were Hispanic! One day I asked my mom about it. She never blinked an eye and said, “We’re from the Aztec tribe.” At 7-years-old it was a good enough explanation for me and I skated by on that answer all summer.

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(“They’re a good read, I promise!”)

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CONTACT INFO: Click on About Janelle under the masthead.

A new balsamic French toast recipe


Janelle Meraz Hooper
(Try my books, they’re a good read, I promise!)

A new French toast recipe

Early this morning, I was sleepy, under-caffeinated, vision-impaired, and behind schedule. This happens to independent, free-lance writers a lot. Nonetheless, like the woman on the tee-shirt, I persisted. I slapped the button on the coffeemaker, threw a piece of French toast in the skillet and turned the burner up until the flames almost licked the outside of the skillet. I was in a hurry. Question: has anyone else noticed how, at 5:00 AM in the morning, the bottle of maple syrup and the bottle of balsamic vinegar are surprisingly similar? I didn’t have time to start over. But I have to say the combination of sweet, balsamic vinegar is not totally unpleasant…especially if you wash it down with enough coffee.

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Check out my books! They’re a good read, I promise!

Janelle Meraz Hooper

The Sugar Police

 Janelle Meraz Hooper

The Sugar Police

I’m happy to report that the Sugar Police at my health co-op on South Hill are diligently on the job today. At the snack bar, they refused to sell me a soda with sugar—all offerings were sugar-free but full of artificial sugar additives (I happen to believe artificial sugars aren’t good for me). Upon closer inspection, I noticed 11 (!) pieces of ooey-gooey pastry, 5 or 6 varieties of muffins, and 6 different types of packaged cookies. The man in front of me purchased an iced-mocha. I think I heard him request 2 sugars. They gave it to him. Really? Here’s what’s really funny: at 120 pounds, if it were going to kill me to have 3 or 4 sugared sodas a year wouldn’t it have done it by now? I’m over 73! Please don’t print my name or address as I’m sitting on an Easter basket that has the Mother-of-all chocolate bunnies in it and I don’t want the SP to confiscate it!

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Janelle Meraz Hooper
(Try my books, they’re a good read, I promise!)