IQ points to burn?

IQ points to burn?
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(blog only)

Janelle Meraz Hooper
See my books and short stories here!

Every night, I circle my little IQ points inside the wagon train that is my brain and sit up most of the night guarding them…

Pot is legal in Tacoma now. I’m agin it. For starters, I’m against anything that makes people dumber than they already are. But mostly, I’m against it for myself…I already misplace my cell phone several times a week…and have trouble discerning the tablespoon from the soup spoon in my new stainless flatware…they look the same to me! Every night, I circle my little IQ points inside the wagon train that is my brain and sit up most of the night guarding them. The rest of you, who have IQ points to burn, have at it. You obviously think you’re smart enough to handle a few gaps in your brain. And maybe you are…but I’m not taking any chances!

The Dance of Divorce

Note: I found this in my popcorn file this morning. All of my novels start like this, a few pages just to see if I like the characters. My latest novel, A One-way Cruise to Africa  started like this. I’m posting this kernel for your entertainment–even though it has nothing to do with my new novel–in case you need a break and your coffee is still drinkable. “Cruise” was published on Amazon Kindle on June 2, 2018. See this blog menu to read sample chapter excerpts.


                                               photo credit: sportpoint


                                      The Dance of Divorce 

Janelle Meraz Hooper

Janelle Meraz Hooper

Aubrey dumped her parcels in an empty chair at the table and looked at the old friend she’d run into at the mall. “I can’t believe it! You divorced Stephen? When did this happen?”

“Over two years ago. I think you were in Kansas taking care of your mother.”

“What happened?”

“He stopped dancing.” When she saw her friend waiting for the rest of the story she added, “Well, at least he stopped dancing with me. I have no idea what he may have done on someone else’s dance floor.”

“So he was fooling around?”

“I don’t know. I was speaking literally. He stopped dancing. That was the first clue. Then he stopped doing other things. One at a time like when your favorite CD gets a scratch. First it’s just one song. Then another .Then another. Until, finally, the whole CD is ruined.”

“Where is he now?”

“On the other side of town in a fancy townhouse.”

“Who’s he with?”

“I must never speak her name. You know her.”

“Augh! No way! That oinker?!”

“My mother thanks you, my lawyer thanks you, but most of all, I thank you. I found her panties in his car once…eee-uuu.” With that, she spread her arms as wide as she could without hitting the man at the next table”.

“That big?”

“Oh, yeah. And they were old and dingy…and cheap.”

The barista brought the coffees they’d ordered when they came though the door .

Shasta loaded up her latte with sugar. When she noticed her friend gasping she said,

“Leave me alone. Sugar is just about all I have left nowadays.”

“I’m not surprised. In college you were so shy you went to the library every time we had movie night.”

“Can we change the subject? How’s your job?”

“When the housing market collapsed, I moved over to the commercial side of the business. It’s been even worse, but at least, I’m having more fun. Contractors give great parties. You’ll have to go with me sometime.”

“Sure. Just let me know. I don’t get out much—too many deadlines now that I’ve kicked my writing into high gear.”

Shasta lingered over her coffee when Aubrey gathered up her shopping bags and went home. She was in no rush to get back to her computer. The latest blog she was going to post needed to cool off a few hours. For her, posting in haste was never a good idea. Too often, her fingers were quicker—and sharper—than her brain.

Visit my site to see my books and plays!

Janelle Meraz Hooper

*Janelle Meraz Hooper is an indie writer living in the middle of berry country
(raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, oh my!)
40 miles south of Seattle.

But wait! There’s more! If you enjoyed this kernel, check out

Chili   Chili

The Art in His bed   The Art in His Bed

(Click on the blue text)

Looking for tickets for Geronimo, Life on the Reservation in Kanab?

Try this link!

Tickets for Geronimo, Life on the Reservation

Rudy Ramos will be performing Geronimo, Life on the Reservation in Kanab, Utah, August 25-26th, 2017 at the Western Legends Roundup. Don’t miss it! The roundup runs from August 21-26th.


Geronimo, Life on the Reservation-Rudy Ramos talks about his concept for his live show

This is the YouTube link where Rudy Ramos first introduced his  concept for his live show on Geronimo’s life after the great Apache warrior became a POW on the Ft. Sill Reservation. The actual show premiered during the 2014 High Chaparral Reunion in Phoenix, AZ. Since then, the traveling show has been given rave reviews.

Next performances will be August 25-26 at the Kanab, Utah at the  Western Legends Roundup.


Booking video for Geronimo, Life on the Reservation

The booking video below was made with my own two little hands. What fun! Many thanks to the talented people who graciously allowed me to incorporate their work. Anyone can tell you, this story of Geronimo is a true labor of love!

August 25 & 26th, 2017, Rudy will be performing his show in Kenab, Utah, during The Western Legends Roundup  the Roundup runs from August21-26th, 2017. Don’t miss it!

Tickets for Geronimo: