Courtesy of The Buck Stops Here– Thanks so much! Please share!
Rudy’s first reading of Geronimo, Life on the Reservation, courtesy of the 2013High Chaparral Reunion, Tucson, AZ
Booking video. Bring Geronimo, Life on the Reservation to a theatre near you! Video courtesy of Late Bloomer Videos
I’m the playwright and author of books in several genres. Available on PB &/or Kindle on Amazon. (The one-man show, of course, can only be seen in theatres.)
Rudy will be back for a repeat performance on Sat. August 25th at 4:00 PM in 2018!
Geronimo, Life on the Reservation, starring Rudy Ramos, had two amazing performances at the Crescent Moon Theatre in Kanab, Utah. What a jewel of a theatre–it would have been worth the trip to see the theatre alone! A special thanks to Jeffrey Turner, manager, who made us feel so welcome and for finding my glasses that I lost during the performance!
Going to the Kanab Western Legends Roundup and Film Festival turned out to be one of the best trips of my life. Who knew? Actually, my main intention of the trip was to see Rudy perform his Geronimo, Life on the Reservation two more times, but I truly fell in love with Kanab and the other participants in the event. Right next door to us were the Wyatt McCrea’s, Joel McCrea’s grandson, On the other side was Rudy Ramos and his wife. Don Collier, Neil Summers, and Jeff McCarroll were on the end of our row. I could go on and on. The morning we left I woke up about 3:30 AM thinking I have to stay at least two more days. I NEED two more days! I feel a book here.
It’s the same feeling I got in Tombstone (It’s in my latest book—A One- Way Cruise to Africa–still without a cover! Hopefully it’ll be out by Christmas on Kindle.)As I’ve said before, as an indie-writer, it’s just me behind the curtain here–these things take time!
A food banner at the 2017 Western Legends Roundup, Kanab, UT, 2017This is my favorite theater in the world. Lit up at night it comes to life! Western Legends Roundup, Kanab, UT 2017
201Geronimo (Rudy Ramos) had great shows at the Crescent Moon Theater! 2017, 2018
This is the YouTube link where Rudy Ramos first introduced his concept for his live show on Geronimo’s life after the great Apache warrior became a POW on the Ft. Sill Reservation. The actual show premiered during the 2014 High Chaparral Reunion in Phoenix, AZ. Since then, the traveling show has been given rave reviews.
Next performances will be August 25-26 at the Kanab, Utah at the Western Legends Roundup.
The booking video below was made with my own two little hands. What fun! Many thanks to the talented people who graciously allowed me to incorporate their work. Anyone can tell you, this story of Geronimo is a true labor of love!
August 25 & 26th, 2017, Rudy will be performing his show in Kenab, Utah, during The Western Legends Roundup the Roundup runs from August21-26th, 2017. Don’t miss it!
When I wrote Geronimo, Life on the Reservation, a one-man show for Rudy Ramos, not all of my research made it into the show. There just wasn’t space! This is one of the stories I had to leave out…
This photo was taken at a photo-op at the 101 Ranch in Oklahoma in 1905 (Geronimo died in 1909) while Geronimo was a POW at the reservation in Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Geronimo is wearing the top hat. The man next to Geronimo is Edward Le Clair, who was a Ponca. At the end of the day he gave his ornately beaded vest to Geronimo because the old warrior had admired it so much. The same day he drove the car (a 1904 Model C Locomobile), photographers also wanted Geronimo to show them how he killed buffalo. He admitted that he’d never killed a buffalo. Someone finally killed the bison and Geronimo posed next to it to have his picture taken. It was a win-win. The photographers got their photo and Geronimo got his picture taken, which he loved. Note: When Geronimo died, he was buried in the vest.