Bears in the Hibiscus, a few words…


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Bears in the Hibiscus
(A humorous starting over romance…)
Janelle Meraz Hooper
My website: Janelle Meraz Hooper

Paperback, Kindle
Suitable for NA (New Adults) & up

Starting over, for Mary, meant going back to work…

…for her back-to-work wardrobe, Mary didn’t get away as easy, but she did discover three-piece suits at Bundles. She bought two of them and mixed or matched the jackets to the skirts and pants. It broke her heart to spend her limited funds on the shoe of choice for employee’s at her new job: an expensive, flat, ugly sandal with cork soles and buckles that she’d refused to wear even when she was in college. She purchased one pair of the gaggers, as she called them, then tried not to look down…

3-21-10 Final Bears cover

See the book on Amazon



Bears in the Hibiscus, a few lines…

3-21-10 Final Bears cover

A few lines from Bears in the Hibiscus…

There is life after divorce! (If you don’t mind a few bears and emus!)

…When Mary’s husband, Brian, decided to end their marriage, it didn’t take him long  to pack. That was because he had already been leaving, piece by piece, for years. Most of his clothes were already on the yacht that belonged to his father’s timber company. He had never been the outdoorsy type, so they had no closets filled with tents and blue speckled coffeepots to sort through like some divorcing Northwest couples did. When the end finally came, she didn’t cry a tear; all she felt was relief. As he rushed from room to room, opening closets and cupboards to make sure he hadn’t forgotten anything, Mary searched for parting words to mark the occasion. She found none. The best she could think of was a few hand gestures that she managed, with great effort, to keep to herself…

Bears in the Hibiscus, a humorous romance, suitable for NA (New Adult) and up. Paperback and Kindle.

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Trump or Hillary? A comment

trump for WP

Trump or Hillary?

Politics used to be fun. When Obama was running against Hillary, a friend saw a post I made to my Blogpost reprinted in The New Haven Advocate in Connecticut. It was about Bill and Hillary being Tater Tots when what this country needs is Idaho Bakers. It was unfair, but not vicious. Even so, I take it all back. If Hillary is Tater Tots, Trump is rice–Minute Rice. We have grandkids who are going to have to live with what we vote. Please vote your brain this time. We can discuss the pros and cons of potatoes versus rice another time. Janelle

See my books!

This Far From Homeless, excerpt

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This Far From Homeless
An excerpt from Free Pecan Pie and Other Chick Stories
Janelle Meraz Hooper
My website: Janelle Meraz Hooper

See the book on Amazon!

Living on the streets of Seattle isn’t easy…

Macky glanced into the office window as he shuffled by. There it was—the
chalk. Macky had to have it before he went home. He couldn’t take his eyes off
of its slender form as it rested on the powdery tray below the blackboard. It
was about six feet away from the front door; stealing it would be risky. Macky
nervously paced back and forth on the sidewalk. He had to be careful not to
alert the secretary inside that he was watching the chalk. Watching her. He
could have scrounged enough money to buy a piece of chalk, but where? Stores
in downtown Seattle didn’t sell piddley stuff like chalk.

It was getting late; he had to make his move soon. Not only would the office
be closing, but a storm was on the way. There was no door and no lock to his
home on the street; if he didn’t get back soon, someone else might move in.
His friend, Leo, always tried to save him a spot, but he was a small man, and no
match against the bigger homeless men who slept underneath the freeway
overpass. There was enough space under the bridge to keep eight men dry on a
cold, rainy night. No more. It was first come, first serve—unless a man bigger
than you wanted your spot. Whenever that happened, the best thing to do was
just roll up your bedroll and skedaddle. No spot was worth dying over…

Read the book- Free Pecan Pie and Other Chick Stories, paperback and Kindle, suitable for YA and up. Amazon and other Internet bookstores. Published by iUniverse.

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The Art in His Bed

This is just for fun. It’s the first page of a novel I have in the works, titled Pool. It’s a little steamy…come on! I can’t write about turtles all the time! (: HAPPY FRIDAY!
The Art in His Bed
Janelle Meraz Hooper

This is just for fun. Visit my website for published books and stories.
My website: Janelle Meraz Hooper

The first thing Davis saw when he entered his bedroom was a bare foot sticking out from underneath his faux fur chinchilla throw. He didn’t need to look closer. He’d know that foot anywhere: it belonged to his ex-wife. The ankle, and the leg attached to it, were a work of art that could rival the classical nude painting above his bed.

With a grin he hastened through the shower, forgetting to move Helene’s swimsuit out of the path of the water. He wasn’t surprised to find his ex in his bedroom, he’d invited her to come by his new house and take a swim while he was out of town. He knew her well enough to know why she was sound asleep on his bed; she loved pools and always overdid it when she got into the water. She was obviously exhausted. Never a girl to laze around a pool in a designer bikini that couldn’t get wet, all of her suits were racing suits with sturdy I-mean-business straps with no built-in bra to slow her down when she did laps.

He quickly dried off enough to slip under the furry throw beside her. He wasn’t surprised to discover she hadn’t bothered to get even partially dressed. Why should she? He was supposed to be out of town until the next day and their two girls wouldn’t be home from college until after that.

“Hi. It’s me,” Davis whispered in her ear. “I didn’t think you’d made it. Where is your car?”

“It’s in the shop. I had my partner drop us off on his way home.”

“‘Us’ must be that 100-pound German Sheppard stretched out on the floor beside Rosa in the TV room. He looks like he’s healing nicely from that gunshot wound.”

“Is he behaving?” Helene sleepily asked as she put her arms around Davis’s neck.

“Of course. Sheperd’s aren’t stupid. It’s a case of love at first sight.”

“With Rosa?”

“No, with the leftover roast she’s hand-feeding him.” Tightening his grip around Helen’s waist, he pulled her closer. “How are you? I’ve missed you,” He said as he nuzzled her neck.

“I’m not sure. I met Joyce; she was already here when I got here. Are you with her?” she sadly asked.

“No, she’s just my real estate lady. I’m with you,” he said as he gently rolled her onto her back and lifted himself on top of her. “This divorce thing isn’t working out for me,” he said as he brushed a tear from her face. “Can we renegotiate?”

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Try my books, they’re a good read! I promise!

My website: Janelle Meraz Hooper