Thank you for your service! A salute to veterans


                                                         Bronze Star Award

This somehow got dropped off my blog and I just noticed it was missing. I’m reposting. It’s either late for last Memorial Day or early for next year, depending upon how you look at it…

Last Sunday, Memorial Day, my husband invited me to go with him on a 4-mile hike on the Foothills Trail (Okay, I used my wheel-scooter). During the walk, we passed a group of happy young adults –about 8 of them–coming from the other way. The young woman at the end of the group was waving a huge vintage Marine Corps flag back and forth. It was heavy; no wonder she was at the end! My husband joked with her, “What’s the matter? Couldn’t get into Ranger School?” We all laughed and went on our way. Then, the young woman turned around and shouted back at him, “Thank you for your service!” I almost cried because when my husband got back from Vietnam no one ever said that to him. He was scorned and even spit upon. “Thank you for your service!” the voice from Sunday lingers in my head. Oh, honey, I wish you knew what that thank you meant to him. He often repeats that phrase to other veterans. When he says it, it sounds like a prayer.

If you are old enough to remember the Vietnam war, think back. Remember how badly a lot of people treated our soldiers when they returned home? I could never understand that. Sure, hatred and disgust for our government who got us into the war, but why the hostility towards the poor soldier who was drafted and forced to go over there? It has always puzzled me.

Lately, with the news about how the Russian government manipulated us during our last election through our social media, I wonder: were the attitudes toward the American soldier coming home from Vietnam manipulated in similar ways? If so, how sad. And how disgraceful! To think how Americans have let themselves be led to such ugliness in a war or election by a foreign country is unforgivable. How could we be so gullible? It must never happen again. Our country may not survive it.

Note: I cropped the graphic because the person in the photo wanted to protect his privacy. 

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My newest novel

A One-way Cruise to Africa, Terror on the Internet:

First lines: Maku, a rebel leader somewhere in the middle of the dark jungles of Nigeria, has just placed an order for a young woman who lives in the United States. It was easy. He did it all with his i-Pad. He orders and pays for all the women that he buys and re-sells that way—over the Internet—without ever having to leave his Hummer.

The purpose of this NA book is to entertain and warn young people about the dangers of human trafficking. Mixing drama with romance, it does not bury the reader in statistics.  Romance/suspense. New Adult  (NA) & up. Kindle. 

If you have questions, please leave a message:

Thanks for stopping by! Janelle

For me, every Friday is Popcorn for Breakfast Friday (No lie!). I started the gag on Facebook and it’s been a lot of fun. This is one of the shots I posted on Facebook. Janelle


Rudy Ramos as Wind, YouTube video


Courtesy of The Buck Stops Here– Thanks so much! Please share!


Rudy’s first reading of Geronimo, Life on the Reservation, courtesy of the 2013 High Chaparral Reunion, Tucson, AZ


Booking video. Bring Geronimo, Life on the Reservation to a theatre near you! Video courtesy of Late Bloomer Videos


I’m the playwright and author of books in several genres. Available on PB &/or Kindle on Amazon. (The one-man show, of course, can only be seen in theatres.)

See my books and stories here!

“Pig! Pig!” Pigtunia’s Vacation, a humorous short romance


“Pig, Pig!”
(romance writer invents a new genre: Pig Romances!)
Blog only (Not in one of my books.)

Janelle Meraz Hooper
Note: I use my blog for fun. Please see my  books
and short stories at the link below:

‘Tis the season for silly. I found this in my files; it was written after a writer-friend sent me a photo of a pig jumping out of a truck of pigs headed for market in the middle of a busy intersection. The top of the truck was very high off the ground and the pig sailed right over the railing and landed safely on the ground. I wanted to post the photo, but I don’t have permission to use it; I’m sure it’s copyrighted!

“Pig, Pig!” Pigtunia shouted as she stood on the corner of a busy street in downtown Santa Monica. In between shouts for help, she squealed. Squealed until she literally stopped traffic at the busy intersection. Passersby, drivers, kids on bicycles, motorcycles driven by hairy black-jacketed men wearing black goggles—all looked around to see if they could figure out what the pig’s problem was.

Nothing looked amiss. Well, granted, there was a very upset pig on the corner of Cork and Vine, but no one could figure out why. The noise persisted until a businessman carrying a briefcase cautiously approached the angry pig and asked, “What’s the problem, Miss Piggie?”

“What kind of a town is this?” answered Pigtunia. “I’ve been calling for the cops for over twenty-minutes and there’s not a pig in sight!”

“Oh, you want the police? We don’t use the pig-word here unless we’re talking to an actual pig, like you. Here, you have to dial 911 if you need help.”

“Dial? Dial how?”

“Why, on your cell phone.”

“Do you see any pockets here?” Pigtunia asked as she looked down at her legs.

Just then, a news crew and cameraman from a nearby television station ran up and started filming. Sticking her microphone in the pig’s face, the newsperson began to interview the distressed pig. With no prodding, Pigtunia launched into her rant:

I signed up for a road cruise that was supposed to take me along the coast for a 6-day vacation. I was promised fresh mud every day, good food, and luxurious sleeping quarters. What I got was the back end of a crowded truck, “mud” that was far from fresh, sloppy slop, and it was so crowded I had to sleep standing up!” hardly pausing for a breath, she continued, “And as for the ocean views, the darn truck headed east on the freeway toward someplace called Kansas. To make matters worse, some bimbo riding with the driver was carrying a purse made from a sow’s ear and she had some kind of a Spam cookbook in it that looked suspicious to me. That’s when I jumped out.”

“You jumped out of a moving truck over twelve feet off the ground?”

“I did. Who needs it? I’m going to insist on a refund.”

The interview of the distraught pig was picked up on YouTube and got millions of views. In a Kansas meat-packing plant, the owner watched the video and called his attorney. “This is bad publicity. If this keeps up, no one will ever eat pork again. Call the legal department! Send that pig a contract and get her over here. Fly her out here first-class and bring her to me.”

And that was how Pigtunia flew cross-country in a first-class seat with a window view and swilled champagne all the way to Kansas.

But wait. It gets better. When she arrived, the owner of the packing plant took a close look at her and knew she was a very special pig. All of her parts were prime pig. In fact, she was much too good to butcher. The meatpacker made her an offer she couldn’t refuse and Pigtunia found herself in a luxury pin with cable TV and 24/7 gourmet food service.

But wait. It gets even better. Pigtunia was visited once a year by the most handsome pig in the yard. He romanced her for days while she squealed with delight. Each year, when the time was right, Pigtunia gave birth to at least ten piglets, making her much more valuable than she would have ever been in the bacon department…

And, thus, a new romance genre for books was born: Mail Order Jumping Pig Brides.

The end

P.S.: At least every 13th word of this story is true, I swear! Originally, this was an actual email that I sent to my cousin Elaine. I send out a lot of messages like this to friends and family. They’re very forgiving. Sometimes they share them with their friends. What fun!

(Illustration–such as it is–by author. My cousin sent me an actual photo of the pig jumping out of a truck that inspired this bit of nonsense, but it didn’t have the name of the photographer.) JMH

Christmas in the Goldfields

Merry Christmas! I’ve been in my Briar Patch this morning reading about other Christmases in times past. I found an interview of a man who was a miner in the 1849 Gold Rush with two partners. Due to a flood on a creek, they’d lost almost all of their provisions. They were despondent, hungry, and lonely. Their skillet was empty and they thought they were at least 100 miles from another living soul. When one of them remembered it was Christmas morning, they felt even worse. One of the miners, to cheer up his partners, played Santa Claus. With much flourish, he pulled out two small gold nuggets from inside his belt and gave one to each man. In the middle of the goldfields, this was a lot like giving someone a rock. When they were at their lowest, there came the musical chant of voices singing Adeste Fideles. They followed the sound and found four well-provisioned young men from Boston who shared food and song with them. On the menu: flapjacks fried in bacon grease, bootleg coffee, a Johnny Cake baked on a shovel, and a flask of spirits. I wish I could tell you more, but space is limited and I need to go look for a shovel…and a Johnny Cake recipe (source: Christmas in the Gold Fields, 1849- California Historical Society).

Happy Holidays to all, Janelle (Please share, my thanks!)

See my books and stories!

My newest novel

Buy now on Amazon

Maku, a rebel leader somewhere in the middle of the dark jungles of Nigeria, has just placed an order for a young woman called Anney Oaks who lives in the United States. It was easy. He did it with his i-Pad. He orders and pays for all the women that he buys and re-sells that way—over the Internet—without ever having to leave his Hummer.

On the other side of the world, Anney has left her small coastal hometown and has landed an accounting job in a big department store in Seattle. Shy, she’s having trouble making friends and is depending upon a laptop to help fill the lonely hours. When she tells Jeremy, a man at work that her new website already has fifty-six views, he tells her, “Anney, you need to find some real friends!”

That night in Africa, Maku visits her website…he’s real, but he’s not a friend. His “friends” are all over the globe; one of them is right outside Anney’s bedroom window. Suspense, romance. amazon Kindle. New Adult (ages 19-29 & up.)

Thanks for stopping by! Janelle

Thanks for stopping by! Janelle

Ribbons at Christmas, a story excerpt

Ribbons at Christmas
Janelle Meraz Hooper

Something for the wee ones. Merry Christmas!

Illustration by Sherri Bails

From the book There’s a Mouse in the House! An excerpt from a short story about a housecat named Ribbons who gets into trouble with the Christmas tree in the living room. When the adults yell at him, he runs to the basement to hide. Only Hannah can coax him back upstairs to join in the Christmas festivities. Ribbons at Christmas is just one of the stories in There’s a Mouse in the House!

Amazon Kindle.

I write in several genres, see my books, stories, and plays here:
See my literary and romance books!