A Chat with a Bat
Janelle Meraz Hooper
So, yesterday, while I was recording a video, I heard something stuck in my fireplace chimney. This has happened before so I prepared to rescue what I was certain was a little fruit bat. Armed with a flashlight, mirror, and enticements of dried apricots and water, I tried to coax the little guy down the chimney so I could let him out through the back door. I spent a good deal of time trying to save this unseen creature, murmuring a stream of encouraging words and promises meant to assure him that he was in no danger from me (“…If you’re a turtle I’m going to keep you forever and ever!”).
The bat wasn’t at all swayed by my melodious, comforting tones. He chose to go out the same way he came in. About 30-minutes into the failed rescue I realized I’d forgotten to turn off my video editor. It had recorded every word I’d said. I spent the rest of the afternoon trying to figure out how to delete my little impromptu Chat with a Bat. No one would ever know about the dingy writer who doesn’t know a bat from a turtle.
Note: Photo by jmh. No, I didn’t through the turtle into the fire, but I’m short on turtles and bats around here…plus, my brother-in-law gave the turtle to me!

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