July 2024 in my new blog format, with Geronimo driving a Locomobile

This post is under construction, but feel free to look around! With this new format, my plan is to publish a new blog in the first week of each month. I ran out of time yesterday, but the information on the different areas (music, books, movies, etc.) will be filled in by the first of July. Hopefully I’ll be able to post a complete newsletter from now on. It takes a lot of time to assemble the data I want to share with you. Please check back on the 1st of July! Also, not every month will have an entry for each category. You may not agree with my choices, feel free to let me know your picks for the best of the month! Janelle

6-30-24: 22,055 followers

Geronimo and Friends driving a Locomobile at the 101 Ranch in Oklahoma–yes, that is Geronimo driving!


A short excerpt from the book, Geronimo’s Laptop, Historical Fantasy, humor (Amazon. Paperback/Kindle/Audiobook)

Geronimo is visiting with one of his many visitors…A man raises his hand and asks, “Was that really you in the newspaper picture I saw of you driving a Locomobile on the prairie?”

“Yes, it was. It was a Locomobile Model C. They let me drive it because we were out there alone and there was nothing to hurt us—or the car. I don’t know who it belonged to, but we had a lot of fun. Sitting next to me in the front seat was Edward Le Clair, a Ponca Indian. Did you notice the beautiful, beaded vest he was wearing? I’d never seen anything like it….”



What’s on my TV:

The Diplomat, Netflix. New episodes coming in August, I hear! I’ve watched this series at least three times. The writing is wonderful the casting is more than any series could ever hope for. Featuring Keri Russell, Rufus Sewell, and too many others for the space I have on this page.

Madame Secretary, Netflix, 2014-20189. Netflix. My second favorite “government” show. Wonderful writing. I highly recommend both of these shows to writers.

What’s on my music list: I love the music right now. It’s emotional, real, and passionate.

Rod Stewart, “It Had to Be You” and, actually, anything by Rod Stewart!

Michael Buble, “Love”

Lewis Capaldi, “Grace”

Henry Moodie, “Drunk Text”

Taylor Swift, ANYTHING she sings!

Miley Cyrus, “Flowers” Is it possible to wear out a piece of music you’re streaming? I’ll let you know!

What’s on my bookshelf:

Crosswind, Karen K. Brees-Love this novel about women spies during World War II! Yes, we had women spies!

Joseph’s Coat, Vastine Bondurant- When is a beautiful romance more than a romance? Vastine weaves a plot that just keeps giving. From romance to evil angels, it’s full of surprises!

The Conjurer, Nick Oliveri-Nick is a wonderful writer and I’m way behind my own writing schedules because of this book.

The Lost Apothecary, Sarah Penner- I just ordered this book on the recommendation from my daughter. The premise of the Apothecary in London in 1791 is…well, I don’t want to spoil it for you! Prepare to be startled!

Atomic Habits, James Clear- If anyone needs guidance on how to best organize their thoughts and time, it’s a writer! Especially if you’re freelance! My college-aged grandson (at the time) was reading this book and I ordered my own copy.

The Last Rose of Shanghai, Weina Dai Rand? (I’m having trouble with their tiny font.) This is the third novel about WWII I’ve purchased this year. This peek at life in Shanghai during the war mesmerized me!

Sherman Alexi, Love all his books. Also, check out his shorter pieces on Substack: (shermanalexi.substack.com)

West with the Night, Beryl Markham- What a story! A plot set in Africa makes it difficult for a reader to put down.

My Favorite Movies:

A Man Called Otto, Tom Hanks- I loved this realistic slice of normal people with normal lives getting by in a well-written plot with down-to-earth characters. Aren’t you tired of movies where everyone has a fancy car and is just hanging around until he can get a bigger one?


Boogie, Boots, & Cherry Pie art by Sherri Bails for my little romance set in Seattle. Doesn’t she do marvelous work?


Whatever you’re doing today, do it with the confidence of a four-year-old in a Batman tee-shirt. credit unknown, my Pinterest site

See you next month! Feel free to comment! Janelle

Come visit me on Instagram and Twitter (@janellemhooper) and Janellemerazhooper.Substack.com

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