Vote, women! VOTE!



EVERYONE is talking about our presidential election in 2020. But if we don’t all turn out and vote THIS NOVEMBER, we will have lost the battle. The Republican party is sharpening its knives to cut our medical, social security, and more. THEN they’ll give the money to the rich in tax cuts and other benefits.

MEANWHILE, the poor get poorer.

Are you in agriculture? Think that big tax cut for farmers is going to help you? Think again. That money will go to the big corporations who are growing food. Not the small farmer. 

The same goes for other independent  businesses. The rich will get the tax breaks. Our taxes will go up. Even now, when everyone is rejoicing over the increase in pay, inflation is eating up that extra money. Most of you will never see that money in your pocket.

Sure, DUMP TRUMP! But first, get rid of the greedy Republicans who are enabling him. Aren’t you tired of working so hard for so little?


P.S. During the Vietnam War,  Nixon gave a speech that said, “…the Silent Majority” was with him. I wrote the White House and commented, “The Silent majority isn’t silent because we agree with you. We’re silent because we’re busy praying.”

My husband, who was in Vietnam at the time, was worried. “You didn’t sign it, did you?” he asked. “Of course, I did,” I replied. “This is still a free country, isn’t it?”

So please, forgive me for injecting politics into a literary blog, but free speech is important to a writer. It’s more important to a democracy. Think of it as my test to see if we still have a democracy: THIS IS STILL A FREE COUNTRY, ISN’T IT? 

Don’t forget that thing I wrote about voting…don’t wait until 2020. Vote this November. It’s important, or I wouldn’t ask you….(; God bless America.

Janelle (Please share this post!)


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