Wanda Hits Wall Street


Wanda Hits Wall Street

(Not yet published.)

email: JanelleMHooper@comcast.net

Wanda was hot under her witch hat. It was bad enough that the crooks on Wall Street had stolen her retirement account, but their greedy screw-up was going to cause a case of trickle-down economics at its worst. Parents everywhere announced they were going to have to cinch in their belts, and the first thing to go was the trick-or-treat candy.

Well, Wanda didn’t blame them. She’d just been turned down on a loan for one of those new, green brooms that are more earth-friendly. It was Wall Street she had it in for, and she developed a two-part plan to get even:

The first part would be easy: She provided Halloween candy for all of the world’s children, even in countries where Halloween wasn’t celebrated. She figured even if they didn’t celebrate Halloween, they would know how to celebrate a pocketful of candy. She paid for the candy with the petty cash the stockbrokers had hidden in secret bank accounts.

That done, it was time to move to part two of her plan: Right at midnight, Wanda flew into Wall Street with her fat cats and instructed them to leave deposits everywhere. On the carpets, on the desks, and in the fancy espresso coffeepots. Then, when the cats were done, with a wave of her wand, Wanda multiplied the deposits by 34.5%. That was the exact percentage the investors were charging for home and small business loans. Their golden parachutes she turned into fool’s gold, their retirement packages vanished into the crisp October air. Their trophy wives began to look like their first wives. As a final touch, the Halloween candy on their desks was exchanged for a special blend that gave the investors a permanent case of the green cherry quickstep. Then, on her way out the door, she turned and waved her wand and permanently sealed the doors to their executive bathrooms.

Ah, it was a good night’s work. But Wanda wasn’t finished yet. She moved on to Washington, D.C. There was a lot of work to do there…

the end

Search Wanda the Witch stories on my Word Press site for more Wanda stories (in early stories, Wanda was spelled Wonda)

How about a Halloween story? Wonda and Iggy (early Wanda stories spelled Wanda with an o) Free Pecan Pie and Other Chick Stories

Sanyo and Hatchet  Free Pecan Pie and Other Chick Stories

The Wicked Writer of the Northwest Free Pecan Pie and Other Chick Stories

Wanda, the Witless Witch of Boo! Cul-de-sac Free Pecan Pie and Other Chick Stories

Please check out my books on Amazon.com and other Internet bookstores.

Some short stories are on Amazon.com :

Old Joe’s Pink Cadillac  Old Joe’s Pink Cadillac

Harpy & Julianne’s Tomato War Harpy & Julianne’s Tomato War

Escape to Laredo  Escape to Laredo

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